Seattle: Day 3
Spending time in Seattle was so much fun. I love this city. Minus the hills. But, as much as I enjoy this city I couldn't wait to get home to my honey. I was really missing my baby. That was the longest Jeremy and I have been apart since we’ve been married. I could not wait to see him.
But, since I was there I totally took advantage of my time in a new place. Our 3rd day there we spent time at the pool, actually we spent more time in the hot tub. It was very relaxing because my leg muscles had been so sore from those hills. I know I keep talking about the hills but seriously, they kicked my butt. But I guess thats why people in the city look pretty fit... all the walking and the hills. :P
Brayden loved putting his feet in the water.

We found these holes on the edge of the hot tub and when you plugged the spout inside the water it would shoot the water out of the spouts on top.
So Brayden had a fountain surrounding him. :)
After we spent time in the pool area we went back down to our hotel room to get ready for the day. We decided to go to the mall and check out some of the stores. We went into this store called Lush where they make all natural soaps, beauty supplies, lotions, etc. Tab and I decided we would get a Chocolate face mask and hair mask for a spa night. This store is awesome. If you haven’t been in one or checked out their website then do it now. They have amazing items and everyone can find one thing they would love to have. They also have great gift bundles for Christmas or birthday gifts. Seriously, go check them out!
Tab went to work and Brayden and I set out to find me a light coat to wear around. Because silly me didn't bring one, just my heavy coat, which I didn't really need. As we were walking around we found this street performer who was more than happy to let me take some shots of him. He was doing a pretty good job too. Brayden liked it, he was wiggling and dancing all around.

After Tab got back from working her shift we started our spa night.

We cleansed our faces and applied our chocolate face mask, which smelled so yummy. Then we put our hair mask in to help repair our hair. After washing off our hair and face mask we got comfy in bed and watched TV. A nice fun day, which was ended with a nice relaxing evening.