Vacation: Part 2

I love going to the beach. Not necessarily swimming in the lake, but laying out in the sun, sticking my feet in the cool water. Jeremy and i picked up my little brother, Michael, and took him to the beach for the day. We did go swimming but we didn't spend a lot of time in the water. Once I told Jeremy there were leeches in the sea weed he was done. :P
We were at the beach for a good 3 hours and Jeremy didn't put on any sun block so you can imagine how red he got. He actually got some blisters on his shoulders, so he's learned his lesson.
I still don't have my camera back, but Jeremy snapped a picture of me at the beach.

Pretty good quality for an iPhone don't ya think?
I've really been enjoying my vacation this week. I've been doing a lot and getting a lot done. ;) Yay ME!
Enjoy your Thursday!


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