Jeremy and I had a NOT so Superbowl party, because neither one of us is really into football. But, the funny thing is we both ended up watching the game. Wanna know why? We had this score sheet where you guess which team, in this case the Colts or Saints, got the first touchdown, running touchdown, and blah blah blah. I don't remember all of them. And they even had questions about like first commercials that will play. So it kept us all interested in the game. It was fun! I think even all the girls had fun with it.

Here's a little bit of the snackies we had at our party. I would should you pictures of the actual party if I had remembered to snag some. I remembered to take pictures of the food, but didn't get any of the actual people. :P Kind of makes me look like a food freak.
Oh, those cheese and crackers actually look good right now. :P I better stop staring.
After this Superbowl party I'd have to say that I wouldn't mind having another one. It wasn't as bad as I thought.

Oh, those cheese and crackers actually look good right now. :P I better stop staring.
After this Superbowl party I'd have to say that I wouldn't mind having another one. It wasn't as bad as I thought.