Frosty The Snow Man
The kids and I made a snowman last week at school. They gave him the most original name they could think of... FROSTY!

Then they started to sing the song...
"Frosty the snowman... was a mumble bumble mumble..." They didn't know the words. And I can't say I know all the words either, so I let them sing it their way.
Well, the next day when everyone arrived at school we checked on Frosty who just so happened to have fallen. When one of the 5 year olds saw he said, "2 of the snowman's balls melted." I was giggling inside.
But it's okay now, Frosty has visited the hospital and will be fine. I promise. Well, I guess until the sun comes out again and melts frosty away. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. :P
Here's to Frosty! Our snowman!

"Frosty the snowman... was a mumble bumble mumble..." They didn't know the words. And I can't say I know all the words either, so I let them sing it their way.
Well, the next day when everyone arrived at school we checked on Frosty who just so happened to have fallen. When one of the 5 year olds saw he said, "2 of the snowman's balls melted." I was giggling inside.
But it's okay now, Frosty has visited the hospital and will be fine. I promise. Well, I guess until the sun comes out again and melts frosty away. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. :P
Here's to Frosty! Our snowman!

Old as in I am totally sharing old photos with you today. I scanned a few for Facebook because of their whole Retro Week going. So I couldn't resist sharing with my bloggy friends. Mainly because I was such a goofy kid. :P

I believe I was 2 here.

Probably 4 or 5 here. I look like my brother here, yeah, a boy! :P

You can so tell my grandpa used to cut my hair here, LOL, I love that man. Thank you Pops.

I have no clue how old I was here. I just remember doing my hair myself and being so proud of myself for it.

This obvisouly isn't me, its my husband when he was 5. Isn't he so adorable. I hope our son gets his looks. :P (Also, I know his age because it's written on the back of the photo.)

I believe I was 2 here.

Probably 4 or 5 here. I look like my brother here, yeah, a boy! :P

You can so tell my grandpa used to cut my hair here, LOL, I love that man. Thank you Pops.

I have no clue how old I was here. I just remember doing my hair myself and being so proud of myself for it.

This obvisouly isn't me, its my husband when he was 5. Isn't he so adorable. I hope our son gets his looks. :P (Also, I know his age because it's written on the back of the photo.)
iHeartFaces :: "Best Face Photo"

I knew this one had to be my best face photo, I took it at my nephews wedding in December 2009.
Head to i ♥ faces and enter in your "Best Face Photo"
Sunday Citar

"No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn."
-Hal Borland
Its that time of the week again... Sunday Citars... whooo hooo!
link up your Sunday Citar at Fresh Mommy, home of Sunday Citar. :P

link up your Sunday Citar at Fresh Mommy, home of Sunday Citar. :P

Pudding Painting
i ♥ faces ::Photo Challenge

i ♥ faces blog
iheartfaces is having an awesome, exciting, fantastical challenge. It's very... uh... challenging. It was fun for me though because I went through a lot of pictures and when I saw one I could mess with I did it. I actually ended up making six, but the limit is five, so here are my five...
“I am submitting this photo into the I Heart Faces logo photo contest. By entering, I am granting I Heart Faces LLC permission to consider my photo for use in the marketing and promotion of this website.”
Happy 1st Birthday i ♥ faces. Thanks for letting me share my work.

“I am submitting this photo into the I Heart Faces logo photo contest. By entering, I am granting I Heart Faces LLC permission to consider my photo for use in the marketing and promotion of this website.”
Happy 1st Birthday i ♥ faces. Thanks for letting me share my work.

Love & Marriage
The day after Christmas I had the privelage of photographing my nephews wedding. They were married December 26, 2009 @ 5:00 PM. It was a beautiful wedding and I'm so happy for them both.
Sunday Citar
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