30 Days Of Summer +Day 16

Tuesday marked the first day of our academic year at Learning Zone Preschool, and so far it has been a fantastic year. I have all but 2 new students, and it's great because I get to start from scratch with every single one. From scratch I mean I get to teach each one how to write their name, the alphabet, and many other things they need to be ready for in kindergarten. I have to say, that they ALL are doing an excellent job. I'm so proud and impressed with all of them. Seeing their potential makes me all excited about teaching them more things. Whoooo hoooo to first day of school!


Craft time is our favorite at school...



Tabitha Blue said...

How cute! I know they're loving it, and can't wait to see what all comes out of this year!


brionyskerjance said...

i love craft time!

Miss Jody said...

Precious pix...
I bet your a wonderful/inspiring Teacher :)

Unknown said...

Crystal! I haven't been over to visit in so long. I LOVE your pictures. They are so pretty! And colorful and fun!
