Jeremy, Chris, Tabitha, Briony, and Myself hung out @ City's Scape Cafe (which happens to be the cafe in our church) because there were about 7 bands playing there. It was pretty interesting... the very first band did some Indian singing.. I wish I could give you an example on how they sounded. They did drums... which sounded extremely cool, but then... they had a singer singing some indian sounds. OKAY... I got a good example... you know the Lion King song that they sing when Simba is born? If you don't go watch it... because that is how the kid was singing, and they actually sang that song... the weird words and all. But goodness... Tab and I were trying so hard not to laugh, but it was funny.

This was a drummer from one of the bands... his hair was huge, and when he banged his head his hair went everywhere, how annoying would that be?

One of my goals for this year is to learn to play the drums... so I was studying and watching the drummers that would play and they go crazy. They were wailing so hard on the drums, it almost looked like their drums would break. BUT... they didn't!

This drummer had a purple V neck shirt on... which was weird to see a guy with a V neck shirt on, but he ws pretty cl to watch drum! He... along with the other drummers... was wailing on the drums... it was CRAZY!
Well... there were some pretty good bands and some... a little weird and hard to understand... all in all it was pretty cool!
See ya next time on my 100th post!
OMG-that hair is CRAZY! Not so sure about the v-neck as well, but they are in a band so they are probably making a statement or something. Glad you had a good time!
haha i love his hair! you got some great shots...soon we'll be taking pictures of you doin some hardcore drummin :)
i had a blast last night...definitely had some laughs and loved all the people watching!
thanks babe! i love to write...and being that i love to watch people i can find inspiration almost anywhere. hahah.that barn the empty lot i was telling you and Tab about for Jay's wedding
i think we could do some fun stuff there if they are up to it :)
lol looks like a fun time! Dude's hair is crazy! I kind of wonder how long his hair really is. If you were to straighten it..where would it land? lol It's a mystery.
sound that out, haha. that's what the beginning of the lion king sounds like to me. hahaha
rock on with those pics!
Haha, great captures of last night!! It was a blast. I'm glad we were all there, it made it fun!!!
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