SEXY? Well... Maybe

Hello readers... What a wonderful day it has been today. The weather was a little chilly but the sun was out and shining! Perfect weather to play out side! I can't believe it's taken me this long to post a blog today. Usually I do it during my "breaks" at work. But I was having so much fun browsing through Fonts on a website. There are some great fonts, some of them have silly names, but it's really easy to download them once you get the zip file. At least it's easy on my MAC, not sure about PC users though. The website is HERE, if you want to have a chance to check out all the funky fonts. I loved it. On the website they also explain how to download but if you need help don't be afraid to ask. If I don't know, I can ask my hubby!
On another note... I have a great/hilarious story for you all. SO... yesterday at school (work), we were doing Rugwork... I'll tell you later about that... and one boy was doing our magnet letter board. He was just putting up letters randomly, besides these kids are 3 and 4, so they don't really know how to spell words yet. So.. after he had randomly placed the letters in an almost perfect line he asked me, "Miss Crystal, what does this spell?" I looked right at the board, and saw the word I underlined in RED.After I took a double take I told him, "It's just a bunch of letters sweetie, it doesn't spell anything." Then I got my camera and took a picture so I could share this moment with you all. It was so funny, I couldn't believe this little guy had accidentally spelt SEXY. OMGoodness.

Well.... my hubby wants me to some what watch him play GTA (Grand Theft Auto), it's okay if you didn't know what GTA meant, I didn't until like yesterday, I just like to sound cool, LOL. Farewell.



Mallorie said...

That is so funny!

-Found you on SITS

Debra said...

That is the most funniest thing...

SO you watch your hubby play games too huh?? Mine is into war/fighting games.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crystal...thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting....this post was too are pretty funny :)

Tabitha Blue said...

That is too cute!!! Great story... I love what kids say at school!!


FROGGITY! said...


that's a cute story. you could be on Leno or something with that.

also- my hubby likes for me to watch him play his games, too! GTA and some other car cracks me up! i am horrible at the games, so might as well just watch him!

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said...

That is so funny...what grade are they in?

Thank you for stopping by my blog...

Love the picture of you and your hubby on the header :)
