30 Days Of Fall + Day 9

My laptop + my Iphone... I could not live with out these 2 electronic. Okay... I probably could live with out them, but I do do alot of work on my laptop for school (work), and I enjoy blogging, and reading other ladies blogs. And I couldn't do that without my LAPTOP. LOL.
Also...I made muffins. Chocolate chip muffins, the best type of muffins ever.
It was the first I made muffins in our new home, really the first time I've made muffins EVER. And guess what I made moist and yummy muffins. Plus... it was so extremely easy.
Okay, so... I only added milk to the mix and then mixed it up. But... I'm new at this whole cooking and baking thing, LOL. And I didn't burn the muffins. So... that right there is a miracle in itself.They were much smaller than a "normal" muffin, but I'm not a "normal" muffin myself, if you know what I mean. LOL. Well... muffins + electronics were apart of day 9 of my 30 days of fall.


1 comment:

Tabitha Blue said...

I SO love my electronics too!! LOL Yummy muffins... where's mine??

PS. I have some of that apple pie in the office today, :)
