Oh and Georgie, well we were in Georgia before Thanksgiving, but still. We drove 12 hours to Georgia to see Aunt Brittney and Uncle Tim and spent a few days there. We had so much fun! Tim got to meet Corbin for the first time and he got to see Brittney again. She was here in MI when he was born to help me out then, and that was the last she saw him.
We were very busy in Georgia. We went to the Coca Cola Museum, the aquarium, and many new restaurants we've never had before.

Hehe... so much fun.

Jeremy was really loving these big christmas bulbs outside. They were huge.

After spending a few days in Georgia we made the 8 hour drive to Florida. Where we had lots of family waiting to see us. We went to Jeremy's sister and her family and then spent a night and day with my brother, Matt, and his family. It was so nice to see my niece and nephews, it had been way too long.
We went to the beach to see a beautiful sunset. You could tell that we were tourist and that the Blue family live there. Jeremy, Corbin, and I were in our shorts and bare feet and the Blues were all wrapped up in blankets and towels cause they were cold.
See... wrapped up in blankets.
He really like the sand. It felt so soft.
My two favorite guys!

It was a beautiful sunset!
Then we celebrated a fantastic Thanksgiving feast given to us by the wonderful Tabitha, whom you may know from Fresh Mommy Blog. The spread was beautiful and extremely yummy! Cousins got to spend some time together and enjoy the Thanksgiving Parade on tv. They were all so cute cuddling on the couch.

We made sure that everyone knew that it was Corbin's first Thanksgiving.

And since Jeremy's 27th birthday happened to fall on Thanksgiving day we celebrated that as well with a Pumpkin roll.
Happy 27th Birthday!
After spending Thanksgiving with the Blues we went over to my brothers house and spent much needed time with them. We went to the biggest flea market in the world. Seriously, this was the biggest flea market I've ever been too. They had everything there... and when I say everything, I mean everything.

Jude loves his dinosaur costume, I'm sure he will be a very sad little boy when he can no longer fit into it.

At the Flea market...

This picture cracks me up. It looks like he's stretching to get in the frame.
Thumbs up for the Flea Market. (Hey look, Matt and Ashlee)
To finish our trip off right we enjoyed an awesome service at Faith City Palm Harbor campus by Pastor Chris Blue. After we went out to lunch with some friends and family we were on the road headed home.

Well, although this post should have been a Christmas celebration post I had to get the Thanksgiving one out of here. :)
Stay tuned to hear about Corbin's First Christmas.