He is 10 months now, believe it!

While looking at this picture my eyes fill with tears... because these past 10 months have flown by.  And in 2 months we'll be celebrating this beautiful baby boy's first birthday... that's right, I said it... first birthday.  The plans have been set in motion and I CAN so wait for it to come, but I already know it will be here before I know it.
I just wish it would slow down, just maybe a little.
Heres to wishing.


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Lets Talk About...

EASTER!!!!!  It's literally just around the corner and I am ready.  We have an outfit for Corbin, and he is going to look ADORABLE.  We also had a photo shoot about 2 weekends ago and they turned out perfectly.  You'll notice that in some of his pictures I had bunny ears on him (Awwww)...
and a plastic egg or two (no candy in it yet)... 

and some with a few carrots (you know because rabbits like to eat carrots) 

but let me just tell you something... lean in a little closer... that's right... a little bit more..... I KNOW THATS NOT WHAT EASTER IS ABOUT!!!!!!  

I know that easter is about Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He gave for me, for you, for everyone.  He died on the cross for every living being and then 3 days later rose again.  It's an amazing story! If you haven't read it yet grab your bible (or your phone because thats how some people role) and turn to the book of Matthew and read chapters 27-28.  Keep reading if you like, the bible is full of amazing stories.  But lets not get off track.... The meaning of Easter, is about Jesus, nothing more.  So remember, when your celebrating with family make sure to keep Jesus and his amazing sacrifice in your mind.  
Oh... and don't forget to share with your children.  We will, even though we had some fun with rabbit ears, carrots, and eggs.  It's okay to do that, I PROMISE!

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Baby Food Extravaganza

I love making Corbin's baby food.  There is just that something about the comfort in knowing what my son is eating, because I prepared it for him.  I have to admit, like any normal person, I did slack off for about a month and just bought jars of baby food.  But knowing what it is exactly he is eating isn't the only reason why I make his baby food.  Have you seen the PRICE of a jar of baby food these days?  I can make 4 avocados, 2 sweet potatoes, 5 apples, 5 pears, and 1 squash and it could last me for weeks.  When I spend the same amount of money on baby food that I did buying the produce I can only feed my son for maybe a week.  This kid now eats a lot of food.  No, really, he does!
Here are just a few yummy foods I made on Friday.

Corbin gave them all the seal of approval. :)  He really loves avocado mixed with sweet potatoes, I think that's his favorite mixture right now.  Although, I can get him to eat just about anything, just like his daddy.
While mommy was at work making baby food Corbin was being a good boy and munching on his cheerios.
His first reaction to me pulling out my camera was a very quizical look indeed.  Then the smiles just kept coming.  I tried real hard to get a big toothy grin, but he would not leave the smile open long enough for me to get one.  I think he knew what I was trying to accomplish. After he was done munching he decided to make music for me while I worked.
Then making music turned into a big mess... I'm not sure how that happened... it just did.

Needless to say, we had a very busy/fun Friday.  We love when mommy gets to stay home from work. :)

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It's What Mothers Do....

We cook, clean, change a poopy diaper, wipe a snotty nose, kiss the boo boos, snag them away from playing in the toilet (yes i've had to do this already), tickle little bellies, and always always always kiss and hug our little blessings.  Mommies wear many different hats, it;s amazing.
My heart grew so much the day that Corbin was born.  I could not believe how much love I had swelling in my heart.  I can't imagine my life without Corbin... I mean just look at that face...
Mothers also enter their little babies cute faces in contests so they can win them a $5,000 scholarship.  Seriously....
Voting starts Monday, March 25th at 10am.  We will receive a number to text your votes to on March 25th and the best part is that you can vote as many times as you want for Corbin until April 5ht 12 noon.  Don't worry I'll remind all of you the day before voting begins.  :) 

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New and Improved

Taaa DAAAA! Surprise... I'M BACK, whether you like it or not.  I feel like this is a new start for me... well my blog. Lets see where the wind takes me...

Seriously... The last time I posted was about our trip in... Eh HEM, November.  Just shake it off Crystal , Shake it off...

Corbin will be 10 months this Friday... I CAN NOT believe it.  Time is truly going by way too fast! They tried to warn me, but I really didn't think it would go by this fast.  He has his 6th took popping through and he is getting into EVERYTHING.  No, really, everything. If you're a mother you probably understand.  We can barely keep food and drinks at a reachable level for him because then he'll grab, spill, possibly try and eat what we have sitting there.  He is learning the word no and he does not like it.  He will usually scrunch up his face and wine a little when we tell him no.  It's honestly the cutest face a baby could make.

When Corbin turned 9 months we of course took photos to document this very short period of time.  It seemed like he was 9 months for only a week.

Look at his cute belly... 
Baby blue eyes... I could stare at those eyes all day.  Except he would crawl away after a second.

We actually entered this photo into Baby Idol that a local radio station is putting on.  Soon we'll be getting everyone to vote for him.  The 1st place winner gets a $5,000 scholarship.  That would be amazing to have that little jump start for Corbin. So keep a look out for that post. :)

Well it's getting late... I am off to bed... need my beauty sleep.

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