FRESH New Haircut

I got a new haircut last Friday and when I first got it I really liked it. Then I went home, studied it in the mirror and decided it didn't look good. So, I was pulling and pinning my bangs back. I waited a couple of days before I styled my hair with the bangs to work. I went a couple hours with them down then decided to pin them back.

Today, I decided to wear them down all day long. I didn't get anything but good feedback. So I'm starting to like them more and more. But I don't think I'll get the same hair cut next time I go for my hair appointment. It's in 6 weeks so it should be enough time to let my hair grow out. Hopefully!

The first day I had my hair styled like this for work one of the kids said, "Miss Crystal, you look like a rock star teacher now." It was cute!




Mrs Anne said...

girl, you look amazing!!!
i love the haircut!

(and the color!)

Gerri said...

You look so pretty. :)
