It's Weird...

I had this mole on my right arm for as long as I can remember. It's always been there and it's been right in the middle of my forearm. It really hasn't been a bother, it's been noticed by kids every time I come in to contact with them. They would always ask, "What's that?" I would say, "It's a mole." Then they would reply back with, "Why do you have that?" Then I would tell them, "God made me that way." :P
From my iPhone

From my iPhone
Sometimes it was called a mole, or my boo boo. Again, it never bothered me that the kids I would see every day enjoyed talking about it, staring at it, and yes, poking it. Unless they pushed real hard or pulled on it. Then it would hurt and bother me.
My husband was never grossed out by it, but thought why not get it removed. So a few weeks ago I decided I would go to the doctors and get it removed.
He gave me a numbing shot under the mole, then took a little razor and sliced it clear off. It has healed so good. I've been putting Tea tree oil, other wise known as Melaleuca oil, on it and covering it up with a band aid to protect germs and yucky things from getting into it and causing it to get infected. It's almost completely healed and I can't wait to feel it nice and smooth there.
It was funny because my niece Aliyah was one of those who would always comment on it. So when I told them I got it removed they were like, "what? Why?" Well, the next day we went out to dinner with her and her mom and dad. Aliyah turned to Jeremy, my husband, and said, "Crystal went to the doctor, and he cut her mole off." I was not embarrased one bit, but I'm like, "Yeah, these people who we don't know want to hear about a girl who got her mole removed while their eating." So I was saying, "Shhhhh.... Aliyah." Then she started whispering it to him. I love kids!

Just wanted to share my adventure with my mole.


Pet Peeves

One of my biggest pet peeves about photography is the little LCD screens you have on your cameras. When a picture looks clear but because a little kid moved it's not clear, but on your lCD screen it looks like it. Goodness. I got the cutest picture of my nephew Tristan, but he would not stand still for me. I thought I got the shot i was trying to get, becaust on my screen it LOOKED clear, but once on my computer, NOPE, not. Tricked you! :P
Well, I got a super bunch of other great shots. SEE....

He was so excited that they were both drinking out of sippy cups.


This kid is like the cutest thing ever.

Even though the shot I was hoping for didn't turn out I got these great shots of this adorable cutie pie.


Help A Sister Out!

So I have this friend, she is my bloggy friend, April's Little Family, and I love reading her blog. She has 3 adorable little boys. Her hubs is sending her to NEW YORK for the BLOGHER '10 conference that she is super pumped about. She posted about a special she is having in her etsy shop to help fund her trip. I know her and her husband would appreciate any extra help they can get. So head over to her blog, and check out her etsy shop. She has hats, pea pods, scarfs, baby blankets, and more. Just go, check it out. You can buy a gift for a special little one, or if your a photographer use them for props. GO NOW!

CLICK HERE to get to her blog
CLICK HERE to go straight to her Etsy Shop

Do me a solid, and check it out!!


Dresses For Haiti

Faith City Church has 2 get togethers where ladies came to sow dresses out of pillow cases for the young girl in Haiti. We also did blankets, the blankets you tie at the ends and they are made of fleece. The first get together I wasn't feeling all that well to join, but last Saturday I came out and participated, and boy did I enjoy it. It was my first time using a sowing machine and I can't wait to use one again. It took me almost 3 hours to make my dress but again, I was learning. It did take me 20 mins to decide what colors I wanted to go with and design I wanted to do. I did enjoy that as well.

I love the colors... they go together so well.
We are planning another Dresses get together in a couple of weeks to make dresses for the young girls in Honduras. I can't wait...


Bring it ON!

I'm so loving this wonderful weather we've been having the last few days. Minus the few moments of rain, all though, the rain happens at night, so I guess it's okay. Taking the kids outside during these last few days has been awesome. Kids aren't uncomfortable in layers and layers of clothing and outside gear. They can play freely and move easily. And not to mention it doesn't take as long to get outside. See... look how happy they are...

Okay, maybe not at this exact moment you can see the joy in this little guy. But that's only because he was really thinking hard on what he should do with this nice weather and all the outside fun he could have. :P

I hope the weather in your area is as nice as it is here in great Ol MICHIGAN!


New Things

Getting new things is fun. Almost like Christmas. Yesterday it was Christmas in March for me. I FINALLY got my Macbook PRO. Which was long over do seeing how I use photoshop to edit photos I take, cause if you know me I love taking photos. And because I used photoshop it didn't leave a lot of room on my laptop and it made it very sssslllloooowwwww.... So it would take longer than normal to edit a photo. Can you imagine how excited I am to use photoshop on this new, larger ram, computer. YEah... pretty stinking excited.

This is what my computer looks like. Pretty shnazy right!
I hope everyone else had an amazing weekend!

Woot Woot!


Musical Water

Your probably thinking, "What? How can you have musical water?" Well, I'm here to tell you how! We actually put the water into a baby food jar and used the end of plastic cooking spoon to tap the jars. You don't have to use baby food jars you can use regular ole glasses. The trick is to fill the glasses up with different amounts of water for different sounds. We did this activity today for the letter X, we called them Xylophones. Pretty clever, huh? The kids enjoyed it as well, I can't figure out whether they liked it because of the sounds or clanking a spoon on a glass full of water. Either way they had fun with it.


Tap, Tap, Tap!!

