30 Days Of Fall + Day 14

Jenga Anyone?
Jeremy went to his parents house and found Jenga sitting in a box, so he decided to grab it so we could play it. We had our friend over, Brittany, to watch some office and afterwards we whipped out that Jenga and played a couple of games.

He's concentrating really hard...so hard he had to stick his tongue out, LOL.
Then it was Brittany's turn... she tried but...
Crashed... falling on the table, and a few on the floor as well.

If his face looks like he was nervous, it's because he was. LOL.

Fun Times...



brionyskerjance said...

hahaha this looks like lots of fun! Jenga is one game that i actually enjoy playing :)

FROGGITY! said...

i love this game. seriously, so much fun. :) y'all look like you have such a blast together.

mommaof4wife2r said...

that is awesome!!! u have to love a god challenge. his face is awesome!

Tabitha Blue said...

Looks like fun!! You should've brought it over! LOL
